4 April, 2022
Join us at CMX Stone Sports Bar on April 4th for the NCAA Championship game! Tip-off is at 9:20 pm. Seating will be first-come, first-served.…
25 January, 2020
Our Miami Carolina Club is joining the UNC Kenan-Flagler South Florida Chapter for a UNC vs. Miami game watch on January 25! Join us to cheer the Heels to victory from Miami's terr…
27 September, 2018
Hey South Florida Alumni! UNC football will be in Miami Gardens on September 27th at 8 pm. Come out and cheer on our Tar Heels as they take on the Hurricanes! We have purchas…
22 July, 2018
Mark your calendars for our annual summer send-off for all outgoing freshmen and transfer students from the Miami region! To RSVP, please follow this direct link: https://goo.g…